Play Pause Unmute MuteMediaMediaWe’re very humbled by the articles and mentions below. The Unreal Work of GlassFrog ProductionsThe VFX industry is ever-evolving. Nowadays, incorporating tech like Unreal Engine and artificial intelligence, alongside the ability to work in real-time, are essential skills an artist must have. Zerply sat down with GlassFrog ProductionsRead more…Zerply Industry MagazineINTERVIEW: Glass Frog Productions; Real-time VFX animation & visual content createAn interview with Calvin from Conversations with Calvin, a YouTube channel specialising in interviews with accomplished diverse people who do the living and dying in America and around the world.YouTube InterviewVIDEO: Watch Naja Rosa's stunning new music videoThe video was created by the animation artist Phillip Berg, where the Swedish dancer Henriette Holgert, according to a press release, “takes you on a journey – a four-minute break from everyday lifeRead more…Music Video Production