Welcome to GlassFrog Productions (GFP), a pioneering force in cinematic excellence and full-service production for film, television, and digital streaming, nestled in the vibrant Canary Islands.
With extensive industry experience, our skilled team of filmmakers, VFX artists and producers are dedicated to delivering mind-blowing results.
At GlassFrog, creativity has no limit. We fearlessly take on challenges, consistently surpassing expectations and pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling.
Includes NO VAT for international productions.
Contact Us for more info or Book A Meeting to discuss more about the Canary Island’s tax incentive scheme.
What we do
Whether you’re planning a TV series, feature film, game, game trailer, or a commercial, GlassFrog is driven by a passion for creativity and a relentless pursuit of perfection.
Our full service list:
In Pre-Production